KEN-FI - Open Testnet is Live...


A Project of Knowledge Gateway

Knowledge Gateway Schools (KGS), apart from teaching and training, is engaged in tech research on an unbeatable investment advisory tool.

Starting in 2019 with basic algorithms and achieving an encouraging 78% accuracy, KGS integrated Artificial Intelligence for big data analysis first in December 2022, facing initial limitations and achieving little success ultimately by June, 2023. The extensive research by our team brought to us the key inputs for AI to generate trade signals, which are subject to validation by experts before dissemination as financial advisory.

In April 2023, KGS launched KOHENOOR TECHNOLOGIES as its research & development project. The team is focusing on the development of a virtual investment advisor(KEN-FI) for traders and investors. The test model had achieved 91% accuracy before the team pilot-tested the semi automated model on cryptocurrencies, achieving 90.8% accuracy over a span of 24 weeks pinning Bitcoin's weekly range forecast. The forecasts were posted on Binance Square. 

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KOHENOOR KEN, our native token have been launched on POLYGON and BNB Smart Chain. Polygon-powered token is our native payment token available to public whereas BNB-powered token is our B2B partnership token. Open testnet went live in June, 2024. The full version of KEN-FI, is expected to be available for public testing by October 2025, offering automated stock/crypto trade signals, news, and investment planning tools. Users can earn KEN tokens and subscribe to our premium services for massive gains way beyond what banks and financial institutions can offer.

*KEN-FI remains shariah-compliant and all partnerships are firmly based on Mudharba basis.

Our Mentors & Students

Mentors partner with the students for training them on assets management. Our students contribute funds and bind themselves in a Mudharba based documented partnership with the mentor who manages the funds for students in a transparent way. This has yielded phenomenal growth for both the mentors and the students over the years. Average annual growth is recorded at 61% which is more than double of what the world's top funds offer. The partnership is time bound and usually lasts for a quarter at minimum and one full year at maximum.

Our Subscribers

Our subscribers are individuals, institutions and organizations who avail services from KGS and wish to contribute in developing the ecosystem can also be our partners. They can invest in our school and receive share of profits earned by the school through its educational and counseling ventures. In the first quarter of the year, our return exceeded 50% when annualized. The partnership is time bound and usually lasts for a quarter at minimum and one full year at maximum.

Ecosystem Developers

Holders of our native token (KEN) are also our partners. They receive rewards and airdrops for building our ecosystem and assisting us in expansion of our blockchain project. The long term holders can also get the returns in other currencies provided they are KYC verified.

Microsoft for Startups

Kohenoor is proud to partner with the technology giant and is pleased to use the premium AI tools and software development platforms by Microsoft.

Deotech Solutions

Kohenoor is partnering with Deotech Solutions, India for the development of its apps and websites.

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